The Edge Chronicles wiki

"One of the finest skymarshals I have under my command "
—Sky Sergeant Mudgutt[1]

Brocktinius 'Brock' Rolnix was a skymarshal. He fought against Quove Lentis's army as they attacked New Sanctaphrax. He led the revolt against Danton Clore and his New Sanctaphrax Companions. Brock died saving Eudoxia Quarter.


Brock was one of the finest skymarshals. He had shot eight Great Glade phraxships captains, including Admiral Lode Threwlin, the chief of the blockade efforts and captain of the Herald of Wealth. [1]

Role in the The Descenders[]


Brock was a a friend of Grent One-Tusk, whom he often took "stone-spotting" for Grent's treatise on storm-stones. In Cade's first days on New Sanctaphrax, they took him with them on Brock's phraxcraft, the Rock Demon. [2]

Celestia Helmstoft[]

When Celestia decided to become a skymarshal, Brock showed her around the Knights Academy and the phraxcrafts waiting to be assigned. He trained her to fly the Stormhornet on a tolley rope attached to the upper ramparts of a tower, and liked to keep close watch over her when they patrolled together. On a dawn partol, the two ecountered two of Great Glade's phraxfrigates targeting scuttlebrig convoys. Brock shot down one of the ship's phraxengineers and scared them off. He assisted Celestia, who had been injured and brought her to Undergarden, where Tug took Care of her. [1]

Battle for Sanctaphrax and Revolt[]

In the battle against Quove Lentis's army, Brock had taken a direct hit and landed near the School of Squalls. He watched Danton Clore kill fellow tallow-hats that refuses to accept his command over New Sanctaphrax. Hiding in the sewers of old Undertown, he planned a revolt against Clore. When his undercover skymarshals had gained intel that Nate withstood all efforts to extract information and intercepted a ratbird message that Nate and Cade would be sold out to Quove Lentis, Brock freed Cade, Celestia and Tug from their prison.[3] He interrupted Clore's announcement that Nate Quarter's would retire in the Deepwoods, telling them the truth; that Nate was to be sold to Great Glade. Hundreds of academics tore off their black robes to reveal the Sanctaphrax blue still worn beneath, and Clore fled on the Herald of the Fourth Age. He attacked several buildings and threatened to shoot Eudoxia Quarter, but Brock threw himself in front of her. The skymarshal died in Celestia's arms. [4]

Physical Appearance and Personality[]

Brock was loyal to Sanctaphrax and its de facto leader, the wife of the High Academe Elect Eudoxia Quarter. He was brave and exceptionally skilled as a skymarshal. He clearly liked Celestia, but had the integrity to ask about her relationship with Cade before spending time with her. He died in her arms.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Descenders, Chapter 13
  2. The Descenders, Chapter 10
  3. The Descenders, Chapter 28
  4. The Descenders, Chapter 29