This is a list of every single character in The Edge Chronicles. This category is only for individuals, not for whole groups.
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- Bagswill
- Belphinius Mendellix
- Bikkle
- Blatch Helmstoft (Cade Saga)
- Blatch Helmstoft (Weird New Worlds)
- Blink
- Blog One-Tusk
- Blood-red glister
- Blud Oakcross
- Bogwitt
- Brack
- Branxford Drew
- Brocktinius Rolnix
- Brummel
- Bruto the Brave
- Bungus Septrill
- Burdle
- Cade Quarter
- Cancaresse
- Cassix Lodestone
- Cedifice
- Celestia Quarter
- Centenius Flaxflave
- Centix Verginix
- Chert
- Chinquix
- Chopley Polestick
- Cleeve Hakenbolt
- Clodwit
- Clud Mudskut
- Cowlquape Pentephraxis
- Fabius Dydex
- Farquhar Armwright
- Featherfule
- Feckle
- Felda
- Feldia Dace
- Felftis Brack
- Felicia Adereth
- Felix Lodd
- Fenbrus Lodd
- Fenda Fulefane
- Fennith
- Fenviel Vendix
- Ferule Gleet
- Filbus Queep
- Filzer
- Firemane Clawhand
- Flabsweat
- Flambusia Flodfox
- Forden Drew
- Forficule
- Friston Drew
- Gaarn
- Gabmora Gabtroll
- Gaddius Felludine
- Galston Prade
- Garble
- Garlinius Gernix
- Gart Ironside
- Garulus Lexis
- General Tytugg
- Gilda
- Gilmora
- Glaviel Glynte
- Glitch (flat-head goblin)
- Gloamglozer
- Gloff
- Gobrat
- Golderayce One-Eye
- Golderayce's pet flitterwaif
- Gomber
- Goom
- Gorlan
- Grailsooth
- Graydle Flax
- Great Blueshell Clam
- Great Blueshell Clam of Farrow Lake
- Grent One-Tusk
- Griddle
- Grimlock
- Grint Grayle
- Gristle Tatum
- Grossmother Nectarsweet
- Grut-Tugg
- Gwilp