The Edge Chronicles wiki

Hammelbills were crimson-feathered Deepwoods scavenging birds that lived in the Sumpwood Stands of Midwood. They also ventured into the settlement of the Midwood Decks in search of scraps to eat.

Physical appearance[]

Hammelbills were large ungainly birds. Most of their body was feathered, with the exception of their long, spindly legs and bald heads, which were topped with a crest. The feathers were mostly crimson, apart from a pale ruff around their shoulders. Their beaks were exceptionally large; designed for penetrating deep into sumpwood roots.[1]

Habitat and lifestyle[]

The birds were native to the Sumpwood Stands of Midwood. Being scavengers, they also thrived in the settlement of the Midwood Decks, feeding off the scraps dropped to the forest floor.[1] Rootweevils were another staple of their diet. They used their beaks to stab into the sumpwood roots and dig out the rootweevils which are the wood. This was essential to the survival of the sumpwood trees, as, if the rootweevil population was unregulated, they would eventually kill the entire tree.[2]


In c. 600 ᴇ.ʏ. a small group of half a dozen hammelbills ate the body of a woodtroll free timbersmith who had been shot by a flat-head goblin pro-Hiver.[1] This event was witnessed by Nate Quarter and Eudoxia Prade, who later developed a dislike for the birds, as they were reminded of the incident.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 The Immortals, Chapter 43
  2. 2.0 2.1 The Immortals, Chapter 44