The Edge Chronicles wiki

Hivegeld, also known as hive-talents, talents, or more commonly simply as hivers, was a form of currency used in the city of Hive in the Third Age of Flight. Hivers came in both coins[1] and notes[2].

Exchange Rate[]

Five hivegeld were equal in value to one glader[3].

Prices in Hivegeld[]

  • Enough ammunition for one phraxmusket cost about two hivers[4].
  • A bag of honeybeets cost three hivers[5].
  • An old militia phraxmusket with rebored barrels and reconditioned phrax-mechanisms cost about eight hivers[4].
  • Under normal circumstances, a beautiful, historic First Age necklace of mire pearls and marsh-gems from the viaduct workshops of Old Sanctaphrax was worth 200 to 220 hivers[6].


  1. The Immortals, Chapter 10
  2. Doombringer, Chapter 32
  3. The Immortals, Chapter 48
  4. 4.0 4.1 Doombringer, Chapter 22
  5. The Immortals, Chapter 68
  6. Doombringer, Chapter 28