The Edge Chronicles wiki

Ilmus Pentephraxis was a leaguesman who purchased Maugin from a slave market, intending to experiment on her and unlock the secrets of termagantation. Quint knocked him down and rescued Maugin. Ilmus pursued the Galerider, determined to take back Maugin, but Wind Jackal brought down his ship, and he was killed.

United Leagues of Undertown Free Merchants
High Leaguesmaster Marl MankroydRuptus PentephraxisSimenon XintaxVox Verlix
Flight Leagues League of Plankers and Beamers Multinius Gobtrax
League of Rock Merchants Imbix Hoth
League of Gluesloppers and Ropeteasers Farquhar Armwright
Blood Leagues Leagues of Plenty
League of Torturers
League of Gutters and Gougers Leandus Leadbelly
League of Rilkers and Renderers Padget Pyreglave
Leagues of Toil League of Haulers and Herders
League of Wicktwisters and Waxdippers Heft Vespius
League of Furnace Tenders Purlis Havelock
League of Melders and Moulders Ellerex Earthclay
League of Forging and Founding Silex Makepiece
League of Smelters and Stokers Meltus Drail
League of Wheelers and Wedgers Renton Brankridge
Other Leagues
League of Haulers and Herders
League of Raggers and Royners
League of Taper and Tallow Moulders
Hemuel SpumeIlmus PentephraxisRustus XintaxThelvis HollrigUlbus Pentephraxis