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This is a list of every death in The Edge Chronicles. It records who died, who/what killed them, the time and place of their death, and their last words.

Deaths in the Edge Chronicles[]

First Age of Flight[]

Character Killed by Cause of death Last words Place of death Book/ time of death
Yena Pallitax


Maris Pallitax (indirectly) Childbirth Unknown The birthing-chamber of the Palace of Shadows 1 ᴇ.ʏ.
Hirmina, Lucius, Centix, Murix, Pellius and Martilius Verginix[2] Turbot Smeal Fire Palace in the Western Quays 3 ᴇ.ʏ.
Turbot Smeal


Himself (indirectly) Unknown Western Quays
Grim and Grem


Hammerhead Goblins Unknown Unknown The Great Sky Whale above the Deepwoods 14 ᴇ.ʏ.
Various Sky Pirates[4] Battle wounds/ varies Varies/Unknown
Various hammerhead goblins[4] Sky Pirates
Marl Mankroyd


N/A Hurtling "Come here, the three of you. Explain yourselves."
Marl Mankroyd's hammerhead guard[5] Varies/Unknown
Bruto the Brave


Magno the Claw Slit throat Wailing, screeching and howling 18th east staircase of the Viaduct Steps on Sanctaphrax 15 ᴇ.ʏ.
Magno the Claw


Wilbus the Sly
Smarg the Mighty


Various wounds A howl of pain
Bungus Septrill


Rogue Glister Glister attack "Where is the chine?" The Stonecomb of the Sanctaphrax rock
Seftus Leprix


Tweezel Hover-worm venom "You imbe... blmfff" Above the School of Mist


"Your face! It’s beginning to swell up!"
Linius Pallitax


Gloamglozer Illness Unknown The School of Mist
Hemphix Root

,[10] Hophix, Dantius, Queritis,[11] Phlax, Willandis, Xallix Flint,[12] and at least 5 other Knights Academic[13]

Hax Vostillix (indirectly) Hurtling into Open Sky Varies/Unknown Above the Knights Academy 16 ᴇ.ʏ.
Tonsor Wexis and Quiltis Wistelweb[14] Themselves Thrown into Open Sky by a broken catapult The Swivel-Catapults
Hax Vostillix


Vilnix Pompolnius Woodwasp stings "Must be something... I... ate..." The Hall of High Cloud
Various Gatekeepers[15] Various Academics-at-Arms Battle wounds/ varies Varies/Unknown The Inner Courtyard and Central Staircase of the Knights Academy
Various Academics-at-Arms[15] Various Gatekeepers


A Gatekeeper A crossbow bolt A cry of pain The Inner Courtyard
Fabius Dydex


Various Gatekeepers Crossbow bolts "Squeak! Don‘t worry boy..."
Daxiel Xaxis


Sigbord Stabbing "Never!" The Knights Academy
Philius Embertine


N/A Illness "Now I can begin my voyage to Open Sky..."


N/A Cold/Illness N/A Heft Vespius' house in the Western Quays


Zelt Pink-Eye Arrow "Yeeaaoowaargh!" The Deepwoods
Garum Gall


Slavers Crossbow bolts A gurgling scream On the Galerider above the Deepwoods


Zelt Pink-Eye Arrow "Annghh!"
Zelt Pink-Eye, Ilmus Pentephraxis, among other slavers[19] The crew of the Galerider Crashed skyship Varies/Unknown The Deepwoods


Thaw Daggerslash Slow-acting poison N/A Thelvis Hollrig's Sky Shipyard 17 ᴇ.ʏ.
Waif Assassin


Menisculis Stabbing Aaaiiii! Sluice Tower of Undertown


Thaw Daggerslash Falling from The Edge Help me! Help me. Help...
A mobgnome


Imbix Hoth's Shryke Guards Eaten alive A blood-curdling shriek The Stone Gardens


A storm Falling from the Galerider Unknown The Deepwoods


Grey Goblins Arrow ”We cook great feast together...” On the Galerider in the Deepwoods
Filbus Queep


Stabbing “Yes, Sagbutt, old friend, we’ll cook great feasts together...”
Steg Jambles


Bloodoak Eaten alive “Told you I’d look after you.” The Deepwoods
Jaggs Imbix Hoth’s shryke guards Stabbed Unknown The Tarry Vine tavern

Imbix Hoth’s shryke guards[24]

Patricule Drowning Varies/Unknown
Wind Jackal


Thaw Daggerslash Stabbing “” Aboard the sky wreck
Imbix Hoth and Ruptus Pentephraxis among others[26] Zaphix Nemulis (indirectly) Skyship crash Varies/Unknown The Deepwoods
A battle-flock of pedigree black shrykes[26] Screeching
Thaw Daggerslash


Hubble Mauling “Greatest Sky pirate captain... that ever lived...” The Galerider


Themselves Stormphrax explosion Varies/Unknown TheRaintasters' Tower in the College of Rain 18 ᴇ.ʏ.
Unidentified banderbear[29] Wig-wigs Eaten alive "Fr-uh-nz." Deepwoods 33 ᴇ.ʏ.
Tendon Hammelherd[30] Himself Stormphrax explosion "You're sure about that?" Backstreets of Undertown 35 ᴇ.ʏ.
Mim and her family[31] Screedius Tollinix Cut throat Wishing Screed a good night The Mire


Hubble Mauling Roar Above the Twilight Woods
Slyvo Spleethe


Broken Spine "I am captain now!"


Himself Stormphrax explosion "Here we go." Undertown


Forficule "What are you doing? NO!"


N/A Injuries from falling "T-wuh-g. Wuh-wuh. Fr-uh-nz..." The Mire


Screedius Tollinix Cut throat Gurgling
Screedius Tollinix


Twig Stabbing "Sanctaphrax."
The Professor of Light[36] N/A Injuries from falling "Tell... Professor of Darkness... You can... trust... him..."
Vilnix Pompolnius


Gnokgoblin basket-puller Falling "AAAAaaarggh!" Undertown
Simenon Xintax, Farquhar Armwright and Ulbus Pentephraxis[38] The Mother Storm Crushed by the rudder wheel of the Edgedancer Varies/Unknown The Palace of Statues 36 ᴇ.ʏ.
A waterwaif[39] A leagesman Stabbing "The Wig-Wig... Arena..." The Great Shryke Slave Market
Thunderbolt Vulpoon


Wig-wigs Eaten alive "Why? For the love of Sky, why are you doing this?" Wig-Wig Arena in the Great Shryke Slave Market
Mother Muleclaw I


"No, have pity..."


Reed-eels Poison "Aaargh! Aaaargh! AAAAARGH!" The Deepwoods
Tuntum Snatchwood


N/A Illness Unknown The Woodtroll Village
Professor of Darkness


Carried out to Open Sky "No! It cannot be! No!" Open Sky
The Professors of Windtouching, Coudwatching, Fogprobing, Phsycho-Climatic Studies, among other academics[42] Varies/Unknown
Sinew Verginix


Illness Unkown Slaughterer Village 47 ᴇ.ʏ.
Wingnut Sleet


A Storm Falling Scream Above the Thorn Forests 36-52 ᴇ.ʏ.


Crushed by rigging Gasps


Madness Falling Incoherent babble


N/A Broken heart Unknown Unknown
Grimlock, Bogwitt, Tarp Hammelherd[44] Grimlock (indirectly) Blackwater Fever Varies/Unknown Above the Edgelands 52


Glade Harrier


N/A Skyship crash "The age of flight has ended." The valley of the ironwood stands 60


Second Age of Flight[]

Character Killed by Cause of death Last words Place of death Book/ time of death
Keris and

Shem Barkwater[45]

Slavers Unknown Varies/Unknown The Deepwoods 76


A small goblin[46] A shryke guard Crushed skull "I didn't mean to... I beg you. I—" The Great Mire Road 84


Sister Hinnytalon


Deadbolt Vulpoon Beheading "There is only one thing standing between me and my goal, you."
Three groups of librarian knights elect[48] Shrykes Unknown Varies/Unknown Eastern Roost


Rook Falling "Thank you, thank you, friend, for releasing me when I lacked the courage to jump..." The dungeons of the Tower of Night 86




Slab Crossbow bolt Anguished yodelling cry On the Skyraider near the Tower of Night


Guardians of Night A harpoon Unknown


Himself Leaping from the Skyraider


The crew of the Skyraider Heavy weaponry "Got you!" The Tower of Night
Many other Guardians of Night[49] Varies/Unknown


Golderayce One-Eye Poison dart Unknown The Garden of Life

,[51] Jaspel[52] and Gizzlewit[52]

Themselves Explosions Varies/Unknown Palace of Statues c. 86



[53] and many librarian knights[54]

Rock Demons Eaten alive Piercing screams Screetown 87




Vox Verlix Pendulum booby trap Unknown Palace of Statues
A gyle-goblin slave,[55] along with many others A hammerhead slave-master Snapped neck A muffled cry The Sanctaphrax Forest


Rook Barkwater Crushed by a stone head "The statues got old Speegspeel. They got old Speegspeel in the end." Palace of Statues
Mollus Leddix


Orbix Xaxis Thrown from the Tower of Night "C... c... can't. The... the... deadbolt... G... g... gone!" Midnight's Spike
Orbix Xaxis


The Dark Maelstrom Lightning bolt "Hail, the Great Storm!"
Alquix Venvax


Shrykes Arrows "The library has been saved! Long live the Great Library..." The Blackwood Bridge in the Undertown Sewers


Shryke Mauling Groans


Sister Slashtalon "WHOOOAAAAA!"
Sister Slashtalon


Slad Stabbing "More! More!"
The goblin army and the shryke battle-flock[57] Rock Demons Eaten alive Varies/Unknown
Vox Verlix


The Dark Maelstrom Buried by the collapsing Palace of Statues "Ooowww!" Palace of Statues
Hestera Spikesap


"You, my sweetness, all to myself."
Six librarian knights[59] Shrykes Fire catapults Varies/Unknown Above the Eastern Roost 88


A librarian knight[60] Sister Drab Heart torn from chest Begging for mercy The Eastern Roost
Mother Muleclaw III


Xanth Filatine Decapitation "KAAAAR-KAA... K... urrgh!" On the Lufwood Mount
Captain Henkel


Shrykes Mauling "They're gorging on the dead, and when they're finished... then they'll come for us."
Shryke battle-flock[60] Freeglade Lancers/ Themselves Varies "Kiii-kiii-kiii."
Rumpel, Rudder and Reel Grope, and many others[61] Hemuel Spume (indirectly) Foundry-Croup and exhaustion Varies/Unknown The Foundry Glades
Varis Lodd and her squadron[62] Goblins/ Glade-Eaters Varies Above the new Great Library
Hemuel Spume


Ghosts of Screetown/ Librarian Knights Boiled alive "I... SAID, TO... THE... TOWER!" North Lake
Furnace Masters


Boiled alive Varies/Unknown
Hemtuft Battleaxe, Rootrott Underbiter, Meegmewl the Grey, Grossmother Meadowdew, Lytugg[64] Friends of the Harvest Decapitation The Barley fields


Flambusia Flodfox Boiled alive "No... no... no... No, please, Flambusia! Noooo!" The Palace of the Furnace Masters
A nameless one[66] Sergeant Logglimb Speared Furious howling The Deepwoods south of the Freeglades 102


The Gyles and 5 prowlgrin mounts[67] Sister Blackbeak Phraxfire globe Varies/Unknown The Foundry Glades
Gaddius Felludine, Holt, Hudflux and Degg Fledder[67] Hammerhead goblins Unknown The Deepwoods
Sister Blackbeak


Rook Barkwater Decapitation “Fire!” The Phrax Glade


Rufus Filatine Stabbing Unknown
Lentil Spume


Himself Fire “Nobody shall learn the secrets of phraxfire!”

Third Age of Flight[]

Character Killed by Cause of death Last words Place of death Book/ time of death


N/A Natural causes Unknown Free Glades 185


Hermia Lentis Fever Great Glade c. 587
Phasia Hexatine Unknown Unknown Unknown, most likely Great Glade Between c. 587 and c. 597
Abe Quarter[70] Grint Grayle Unknown Prade Phraxmine c. 597


Lendil Spix[71] N/A Falling from the Edge Edge Cliff c. 599


Trapper Sluice[71] Edge wraith Eaten alive
Centix Thripp[71] Himself Jumping from the Edge ”It’s been an honour knowing you, Hentadile”


Grint Grayle Bullet “No!” The Hulks c. 600


A black-eared goblin[73] Ambris Hentadile Stabbed by a throwing knife “Whatever you say, Professor." The Deadbolt Vulpoon above the Deepwoods
Leegwelt the Mottled


Kulltuft Warhammer Crushed skull “I am speaking, I have the Mace of Hive.” The Clan Hall of Hive
Friston Drew


Branxford Drew Stormphrax explosion Unknown Gremlop and Drew stiltshop in Copperwood


N/A Broken neck The Deepwoods

[77] and many other Hive soldiers

The Great Glade Militia Varying battle wounds Varies/Unknown The Midwood marshes
Many Great Glade soldiers The Hive Militia
A waif guide[78] Custodians of Riverrise Wounds caused by thorns Loud cries The Waif Trail in the Thorn Forests
Kulltuft Warhammer


Firemane Clawhand Decapitation “What - what are you doing Firemane?” The Clan Hall of Hive
Ragg Yellowtooth, Turgik and Grossmother Meadowdew[80] The Hive Militia Barrelling Varies/Unknown Hive Waterfall
Firemane Clawhand


Pleading cries
Branxford Drew


A phraxmarine patrol ship Shot out of the sky Unknown Above the Deepwoods outside Great Glade
A blackwaif[83] A waif assassin Blowpipe dart "If we stand together, we have nothing to fear but—" The Amphitheatre in Riverrise
Golderayce’s flitterwaif


Nate Quarter Fire “An intruder!” Kobold’s steps
Golderayce One-Eye


Caterbird Poison dart “He ... e... elp me... I ...” The Garden of Life
Ifflix Hentadile


The Gloamglozer Stabbed by falling glass ”Finish this, for ever!” The Ancient Laboratory
The Gloamglozer


The Immortals Removal of its glister "Your friends are dead! Why not join them?" Sanctaphrax
Other gloamglozers[87] Speared by The Immortals' lightning Wails of terror
Quintinius Verginix


N/A Returning to Open Sky as glisters "While the story of your life, Nate Quarter, is just beginning." Open Sky
Twig Verginix


"And I once voyaged aboard a sky pirate ship into Open Sky..."
Rook Barkwater


"While I once fought the goblin armies at the Battle of the Barley Fields..."
The Caterbird


Various descenders The Professor (indirectly) Falling/Crushed

against the Edge Cliff

Long, desperate screams The High Cliff c. 601 ᴇ.ʏ.
Perch Falling Screams
Two descenders Ravine demon Unknown Unknown The Fluted Decline c. 602 ᴇ.ʏ.
Fourthling descender N/A Head struck by rock
Fenebrule and Teep Glisters Glister attack Screams/Unknown The Great Overhang
Hitch and Hackbane Edge Wraiths Eaten alive Unknown
Sensa Quarter


N/A 'Wasters' fever Great Glade c. 608


Celestia Helmstoft's mother[91] Infection from breaking her leg The Farrow Ridges Unknown dates between c. 601


and c. 617 ᴇ.ʏ.

Tug's mother[92] Red dwarf slavers Various wounds N/A The Nightwoods
Many webfoot goblins[93] Mire Pearlers Varies Varies/Unknown Four Lakes
The Great Blueshell Clam[93] Phrax explosions N/A Mirror of the Sky
Admiral Lode Threwlin Brocktinius Rolnix Bullet Unknown Aboard the Herald of Wealth above the Mire Between c. 617 and c. 620
Thadeus Quarter


Quove Lentis Pushed from a tower Central Tower of the School of Flight c. 617


A lop-eared goblin, a pair of pink-eyed goblin twins, a mobgnome and a flat-head goblin[95] N/A Falling Screams Highest gantry in The Ledges
A cloddertrog[95] Teggtut or Mank "Room for one more, I reckon."
A tufted goblin[96] A Skymarshal Sky-Firing Appeals for mercy The Xanth Filatine
A skymarshal[97] Drax Adereth Blowpipe dart "Oh, but I can."
Lemtrius Korn and Hengruel Paxis[94] "How dare you?"


N/A Natural causes Yodelling The Farrow Ridges
A fourthling and a flat-head mire-pearler[98] Cade Falling "What in Sky's name is a release val—" Gart Ironside's platform c. 619


Ten of Phineal's brother clam-tenders[99] Mire Pearlers Varies Unknown The Farrow Ridges
Hundreds of hammerhead goblins of the Hammerhead Nations[99]


White Trog Queen Speared in the neck "Say goodbye to Farrow Lake, boy. It belongs to us now..." First cave of the Five Falls


Logworms Eaten alive Screaming The Farrow Ridges
Merton Hoist


Tug Crushed "This is the Third Age, and you and your friends are history..." Aboard the Doombringer
Lemulis Lope Drax Adereth Falling ”That’s all I know. Believe me.” Gorgetown c. 620 ᴇ.ʏ.
A fourthling and two cloddertrog tallow-hats The snaggletooth in Freeglade Lake Eaten alive Unknown Freeglade Lake
Lennius Grex Felicia Adereth Falling “Now, if you’ll step aside, Captain...?” The Palace of Phrax
A scuttlebrig rider Great Glade phraxfrigate gunner Bullets Unknown The Mire
Splinters Thane Two-Blades Stabbing “I . . . I . . .” Danton Clore’s light tower
Mistsifters The Great Glade phraxfleet Bullets Unknown The East Landing of New Sanctaphrax
Grent One-Tusk Themselves Falling “But there’s still something I want to show you” The scree fields
Fenda Fulefane “There’s something I want to show you, Grent”
Thane Two-Blades and other tallow-hats Danton Clore (indirectly) “Sky curse you, Clore ...” The Edge Cliff
Six Knights of the Tallow Brocktinius Rolnix Bullets Varies/unknown The tallow-hat prison
Brocktinius Rolnix Danton Clore “NO!” The West Landing of New Sanctaphrax
Danton Clore Ambris Hentadile Crushed by a storm stone “So be it” Above New Sanctaphrax
Ambris Hentadile N/A Dissipation into glisters Unknown
Felicia Adereth Quove Lentis Throwing knife “I, As new leader of Great Glade, shall discover what they are” The Palace of Phrax
Quove Lentis Felicia Adereth Poison “You’re of no further use to me-“
Rumblix Drax Adereth Bullet N/A Cade’s cabin
Drax Adereth Cade Quarter Bullets “Drop the pistol”

Return back to the top.

Deaths in Weird New Worlds (no longer canon)[]

Character Killed by Cause of death Last words Place of death Time of death


N/A Natural causes "...And the most excellent woodgrog." The Deepwoods c. 612 ᴇ.ʏ.
Roughly twenty mire-pearlers[102] Farrow Lake Calvalry Varies Varies/Unknown


Waif Assassin Poison dart Load roaring School of Earth Studies
A waif assassin[103] Threnodesse Stabbing Wailing shrieking
Roughly twenty hammerhead goblins of the Farrow Lake Infantry[104] Mire Pearlers Varies Varies/Unknown The Farrow Ridges


Farrow Lake Calvalry Bullets Varies/Unknown
Members of the Farrow Lake Calvalry[105] Mire Pearlers Varies/Unknown


Freeglade Lancers Varies Bloodcurdling cries
Felvis Yellowmane


Hedgethorne Lammergyre Stab in the heart Throaty gurgling
Alcestia Helmstoft


Mire Pearlers Various wounds Unknown The Water Caverns
Defenders of the First Age


Hedgethorne Lammergyre, Bragsworn, or Laria Chillax Bullets The Farrow Ridges c. 613 ᴇ.ʏ.


Forden Drew Bullet "Keep resisting, and you’ll be destroyed along with it! All of you! Even that young whelp I heard scream…"

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  1. The Curse of the Gloamglozer, Chapter 6: The Palace of Shadows
  2. 2.0 2.1 Clash of the Sky Galleons, Chapter 2: Glaviel Glynte
  3. The Curse of the Gloamglozer, Chapter 5: Named
  4. 4.0 4.1 The Curse of the Gloamglozer, Chapter 3: Attack!
  5. 5.0 5.1 The Curse of the Gloamglozer, Chapter 4: The Sky Battle
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 The Curse of the Gloamglozer, Chapter 10: The Viaduct Steps, part ii: East Side, 18th Staircase
  7. The Curse of the Gloamglozer, Chapter 22: Revenge
  8. 8.0 8.1 The Curse of the Gloamglozer, Chapter 23: The Curse of the Gloamglozer
  9. The Winter Knights, Chapter 2: The Chorus of the Dead
  10. The Winter Knights, Chapter 16: The Cloudslayer, part iv: The Loftus Observatory
  11. The Winter Knights, Chapter 13: The Barkscroll Letter
  12. The Winter Knights, Chapter 14: The Forger
  13. All 13 of the original knights academic-in-waiting were sent, including Screedius Tollnix, so there are at least 5 unnamed knights which were sent
  14. The Winter Knights, Chapter 17: Hax, part ii: The Swordsmaster
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 The Winter Knights, Chapter 19: Blood in the Snow
  16. The Winter Knights, Chapter 22: The Ratbird
  17. Clash of the Sky Galleons, Chapter 10: The Angler
  18. The Stone Pilot, Chapter 1: The Prowlgrin Pup
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 The Stone Pilot, Chapter 6: The Scourge of the Weak
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 Clash of the Sky Galleons, Chapter 5: The Waif Assassin
  21. Clash of the Sky Galleons, Chapter 6: Imbix Hoth
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 Clash of the Sky Galleons, Chapter 12: The Swarm
  23. Clash of the Sky Galleons, Chapter 15: The Bloodoak
  24. Clash of the Sky Galleons, Chapter 16: The Gathering Storm, part iii: The Tarry Vine Tavern
  25. Clash of the Sky Galleons, Chapter 17: The Sky Wreck
  26. 26.0 26.1 Clash of the Sky Galleons, Chapter 19: Clash of the Sky Galleons
  27. Clash of the Sky Galleons, Chapter 20: Open Sky
  28. Stormchaser, Chapter 2: The Caterbird's Tale
  29. Beyond the Deepwoods, Chapter 8: The Banderbear
  30. Stormchaser, Chapter 3: Cries and Whispers
  31. Stormchaser, Chapter 6: Screed Toe-Taker
  32. 32.0 32.1 Stormchaser, Chapter 11: The Eye of the Storm
  33. 33.0 33.1 Stormchaser, Chapter 14: Louder Cries, Softer Whispers, part iii: In the Backstreets of Undertown
  34. Stormchaser, Chapter 17: The Mire Takes its Toll
  35. 35.0 35.1 Stormchaser, Chapter 18: Toe-Taking
  36. Stormchaser, Chapter 19: Screed's Looty-Booty
  37. Stormchaser, Chapter 23: Showdown
  38. Midnight Over Sanctaphrax, Chapter 3: The Loftus Observatory
  39. Midnight Over Sanctaphrax, Chapter 14: Into the Great Shryke Slave Market
  40. 40.0 40.1 Midnight Over Sanctaphrax, Chapter 15: The Wig-Wig Arena
  41. 41.0 41.1 Midnight Over Sanctaphrax, Chapter 16: The Well-Trodden Path
  42. 42.0 42.1 Midnight Over Sanctaphrax, Chapter 20: The Mother Storm
  43. 43.0 43.1 The Slaughterer's Quest, Chapter 1: Supper at Dawn
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 44.3 44.4 The Last of the Sky Pirates, Chapter 17: The Captain's Tale
  45. The Last of the Sky Pirates: Epilogue
  46. The Last of the Sky Pirates, Chapter 5: Deadbolt Vulpoon
  47. The Last of the Sky Pirates, Chapter 6: The Sky Pirate Raid
  48. The Last of the Sky Pirates, Chapter 12: Flight
  49. 49.0 49.1 49.2 49.3 49.4 49.5 The Last of the Sky Pirates, Chapter 19: The Tower of Night
  50. The Immortals, Chapter 30
  51. 51.0 51.1 Vox, Chapter 8: Vox's Eye
  52. 52.0 52.1 Vox, Chapter 7: Feeding the Baby
  53. Freeglader, Chapter 16: Cancaresse
  54. Vox, Chapter 1: Dawn Patrol
  55. Vox, Chapter 13: The Cloddertrog Guard
  56. Vox, Chapter 16: The Stone Head
  57. 57.0 57.1 57.2 57.3 57.4 57.5 57.6 Vox, Chapter 17: Bloodbath on the Blackwood Bridge
  58. 58.0 58.1 Vox, Chapter 18: The Ghosts of Screetown
  59. Freeglader, Chapter 6: Dusk, part iii: The Hatching Nurseries of the Eastern Roost
  60. 60.0 60.1 60.2 60.3 Freeglader, Chapter 8: Blood Frenzy
  61. Freeglader, Chapter 17: Glade-Eater
  62. Freeglader, Chapter 20: The Three Battles, part i: The Battle of the Great Library
  63. 63.0 63.1 Freeglader, Chapter 20: The Three Battles, part ii: The Battle of New Undertown
  64. Freeglader, Chapter 20: The Three Battles, part iii: The Battle of the Barley Fields
  65. Freeglader, Epilogue
  66. The Blooding of Rufus Filatine, Chapter 1: The Nameless One
  67. 67.0 67.1 The Blooding of Rufus Filatine, Chapter 4: The Armourer
  68. 68.0 68.1 68.2 The Blooding of Rufus Filatine, Chapter 6: The Battle of the Phrax Glade
  69. In The Curse of the Gloamglozer, Chapter 6: The Palace of Shadows, he is 180 years old, meaning he was born in -165 ᴇ.ʏ. In The Immortals, Chapter 28, it says he lived for 350 years, meaning that he died in 185 ᴇ.ʏ.
  70. The Immortals, Chapter 1
  71. 71.0 71.1 71.2 The Immortals, Chapter 89
  72. The Immortals, Chapter 4
  73. The Immortals, Chapter 16
  74. The Immortals, Chapter 29
  75. The Immortals, Chapter 35
  76. The Immortals, Chapter 57
  77. The Immortals, Chapter 59
  78. The Immortals, Chapter 65
  79. The Immortals, Chapter 67
  80. Doombringer, Chapter 28
  81. The Immortals, Chapter 68
  82. The Immortals, Chapter 82
  83. The Immortals, Chapter 72
  84. The Immortals, Chapter 74
  85. The Immortals, Chapter 75
  86. The Immortals, Chapter 91
  87. 87.0 87.1 The Immortals, Chapter 98
  88. 88.0 88.1 88.2 88.3 The Immortals, Chapter 100
  89. The Nameless One, Chapter 6
  90. The Nameless One, Chapter 17
  91. The Nameless One, Chapter 27
  92. 92.0 92.1 The Nameless One, Chapter 42
  93. 93.0 93.1 Doombringer, Chapter 4
  94. 94.0 94.1 The Nameless One, Chapter 13
  95. 95.0 95.1 The Nameless One, Chapter 3
  96. The Nameless One, Chapter 7
  97. The Nameless One, Chapter 12
  98. Doombringer, Chapter 21
  99. 99.0 99.1 Doombringer, Chapter 33
  100. 100.0 100.1 100.2 Doombringer, Chapter 35
  101. Weird New Worlds, Chapter 22: The Elixir
  102. Weird New Worlds, Chapter 37: Skirmish
  103. 103.0 103.1 Weird New Worlds, Chapter 40: Midnight in the Cloud Quarter
  104. 104.0 104.1 Weird New Worlds, Chapter 41: The Battle of Farrow Lake: Day One
  105. Weird New Worlds, Chapter 43: The Battle of Farrow Lake: Day Two
  106. 106.0 106.1 Weird New Worlds, Chapter 44: The Battle of Farrow Lake: The Final Day
  107. Weird New Worlds, Chapter 45: The Old Ways
  108. 108.0 108.1 Weird New Worlds, Chapter 66: The Miracle